Venue Review, Hilton Hotels

I recently had to privilege of visiting both Hilton Brisbane and Hilton Surfers Paradise, for leisurely gatherings where the properties’ staff and management share their food, their wine and their beautiful surroundings with a few luck people like me. The Hilton...
Risk Assessments in Events and Why you Should Conduct One

Risk Assessments in Events and Why you Should Conduct One

One section of the event planning process that not enough people engage in, is a risk assessment.  Risk assessments are a bit like insurance, you don’t need one, until you need one.  And I highly recommend everyone conduct a risk assessment as part of their planning...

Room Capacities vs Room Layout

Red stage curtain Help your venue give you the best service available. We’ve all been there. We do a site visit, the room looks perfect, we ask how many people room holds and we generally get the following description; Theatre style = xBanquet style = xCabaret...
Praise You!

Praise You!

Praise you!  We all want it right?  I know I do, and if I’m honest, it’s one of the main reasons I do what I do.  I love it when something works, when the person I’m helping, highlighting or promoting, achieves their objective.  When someone...